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#1 - emotional & beautiful, los angeles, california
#2 - emotional & beautiful, los angeles, california
alien sky, detroit, michigan
above the clouds
b & w detroit, michigan
b & w landscapte - the huntington, california
beauty in abstract
beauty in all moments, peggy's cove, nova scotia
beauty in the simplest moments
california skies
climbing the mountain, salt lake, utah
coachella valley, california
cloud talk, the getty, california
come sit with me, california
detroit, michigan
costa rica - beach
detroit skyline
discover & see, the getty, california
distillery district - toronto, ontario
downtown detroit, michigan
dreamy walk with a good friend, palm springs, california
emotion in the wind
emotional mood in california
joni mitchell's property
kingville, ontario
lake huron, ontario
lighthouse, peggy's cove, nova scotia
look up, windsor, ontario
majestic giants, costa rica
meditative gardens, the huntington, california
open the door
palm desert, california
palm desert, california - b&w
peace is a choice - distillery district, toronto, ontario
peaceful moments
perspective of artistry
shade of leaves and light
someone's dream, the getty, california
stillness & tranquility, utah
steps in texas
strength, peggy's cove, nova scotia -2023
strength - detroit
the journey, cabot trail, cape breton
the metropolitan, rochester, n.y.
the sound of change - detroit, michigan
the spiritual of joshua tree, california
through the window, chester, nova scotia
travel is good for the soul, salt lake city, utah
ufo clouds, california
vacation dreams - palm springs, california
walking meditation, the huntington, california - 2024
life is a reflection
quiet contemplation
nature soothes
cycle of life
stillness. quiet. peace.
soft clouds
raincloud stories
muskoka's, ontario
soft morning snow, point pelee, ontario
beauty in barren spaces
artic puppy, point pelee national park
fields of cuba
colour in spring, windsor, ontario
the missions, san antonio, TX - 2009
end of summer
essex county, ontario
beaches of kingsville, ontario
follow your path
galveston island, texas
hamilton, ontario
fall into books, bayfield, ontario
japanese tea garden, texas
the great sky - 2024
tiny , ontario
kawi, hawaii
lake st. clair, windsor, ontario
california, highway 1
watkins glen, new york
walking in the woods, amherstburg, ontario - 2021
watkins glen, new york
watkins glen state park, new york - 2017
windsor, ontario, canada