in the words of others


Tammy is an extraordinary human being. Period. A yoga class taught by Tammy is a magical, spiritual experience. It is a time of meditative introspection, guided so gently by her soothing and inspirational words. Yoga is so much more than movement on your mat and Tammy not only guides you expertly through the asanas, but opens your mind and soul to a broader, philosophical worldview. She is a perpetual student of life and shares her wonderful insights throughout the class…little gems of Buddhism, the philosophical and historical aspects of yoga, thoughtful quotes, or insights into the human condition. A yoga class with Tammy leaves you feeling lighter - more at peace. It is a balm for the body and the soul. Her compassion and inner beauty imbue each class with something very unique and beautiful. Tammy is my teacher, a mentor and a treasured friend. She is a gift. She is truly Yoga for the Soul.

~ Wendy Ross, Yoga Teacher


There is no doubt when taking a class with Tammy that she is a very experienced yoga teacher with true expertise. But aside from her intuitive flows and sound techniques, there is the real "gold" of the experience in the class, and that gold is Tammy! She brings a totally sincere, authentic, open, genuine presence to the class that makes the students feel safe and supported.

Tammy would be seen as a Humanist in the schools and theories of psychology. So when I take her classes, I hear a lot of Buddhism and Humanistic thoughts and messages. However, even if people knew nothing of either of those things, the experience of taking a class with her would still have that very positive and loving vibe that comes from both of those philosophies.

The message of support, acceptance, and personal ability to find within yourself everything you need, is a theme that can't be missed in her teachings; the classes are truly yoga classes. They are not work-outs or exercise classes. They are much more than just exercise and thus are much more valuable and meaningful. Tammy’s classes are technically so safe and so sound, and that is a big deal. I have been injured by yoga teachers, as have many of my friends. That would never happen in a class with Tammy. 

Tammy has a light turned on inside her that is undeniable to anyone who takes a class from her or interacts with her in conversation. The way people speak of Tammy reveals that she is very much beloved and respected and admired. The word "magical" is applied to her often in conversation - in the sense that a class with her has amazing consequences that can transcend the mundane and the expected and serve to truly transform. It is hard to write this as I am limited by our language in what I can express, and there really are no words to say how amazing I, and many others, think she is as a yoga teacher and as a person. I know that I am truly grateful for having walked this path this time at the same time Tammy is here, and that our paths have crossed.

~ Jill Singleton-Jackson, Ph.D Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Windsor

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I wanted to thank you so very much for making my first yoga experience so incredibly enjoyable! I loved every single class with you and can't tell you how deeply relaxed I felt after each class was done. You have such a kind soul and have affected me so positively. I appreciate all that you have taught me this far and can't wait to learn more. Thank you so much for your old yoga bag - that is something that I will treasure forever. I travelled around Thailand, Laos and Cambodia for 5 weeks about 2 years ago and have never experienced such beauty such a deep sense of self-awareness. Your yoga helps bring me back to that. Thank you again for everything and I look forward to next session!

~ Jessica Tullio, Nutritionist, Windsor Regional Hospital, Windsor, ON

From the moment Tammy walked into, “Love It Yoga” she radiated warmth and kindness. Her beautiful bright smile was only out done by the sparkle in her eyes as she scanned the faces that eagerly waited to learn from her. Her speech was clearly personal, deep and reflective as she told us the fascinating journey of her life. It conveyed strength and a profound “realness” to her story that drew the listener in the same way ones favourite novel would. It was filled with joy, sorrow, painful decision making, anecdotes and laughter in such a way that I believe everyone in the room felt some magical connection with her.

Listening to her journey I saw a braveness that I deeply admired. She displayed no fear in asking people to share their religious beliefs with her so she could learn and grow. The trip to the temple, without instruction, a friend or any idea what was in store left me awestruck. To have the strength, courage and confidence to jump in and follow your dreams with no map or guidebook was incredibly inspirational for me. Was this my sign? Was this the earth’s way of telling me it was time to face my fears… made me contemplate where I am and where I want to be.

As we moved into the practise section I was full of eagerness and anticipation, and she lived up to every bit of the glory she exuded. The class was far different than any I had previously committed to and I cherished every bit of it. I often felt her presence close to me as I practised, eyes closed. A new sense of peace encompassed my heart during the practice. I felt totally at ease, completely unaware of the other students, lost in my yoga……absolute bliss. One class was not enough.

Tamara Schwemler


Being completely new to yoga up until a couple of months ago, I was terrified and did not know what to expect when I attended my first class was with Tammy. Tammy instantly made feel comfortable and welcome. I felt that her character was completely authentic and honest from the beginning. After several classes with her, I felt an immense physical and emotional change in myself that I attribute to Tammy being a most excellent yoga teacher. At the beginning of each class she asks if anyone has any injuries or strains and chooses poses for the class so people with injuries get help and the people without injuries get challenged.

She sees subtle errors and weaknesses and knows how to correct them graciously. She is a positive teacher and encourages you to do your best with whatever energy level you may have and never embarrasses you. Tammy is very intuitive, most supportive and genuinely caring. She has a vested interest in her students and knows each student individually and treats them as such. She explains and demonstrates a pose, especially challenging ones, so the students understand it from beginning to end.

She has an ability to draw the class together as a collective whole so everyone is on the same page. Most importantly, I have a strong sense that Tammy practises what she preaches because her wisdom, inner peace and compassion especially shine during Savasana. Her meditations not only enhance her class, but I leave her class with the same emotions she brings forth to yoga.  Namaste.                                                      

 ~ Amal Aflak, Owner and Founder of Amal’s Room, Windsor, ON


In 2010 I walked into Yoga For The Soul in LaSalle, the beautiful and serene studio Tammy had founded.  Gratefully, my life has not been the same since. Her kindness, tranquillity and generosities that I encountered that day were qualities I would learn transcend to every aspect of Tammy’s life: family, friends, yoga practitioners, fellow teachers, and, most graciously, with complete strangers. Within days I began practicing with Tammy, and although I’d studied with many inspirational instructors before, I knew instantly she would be one of the most influential teachers I’d ever be graced to learn from.  

She emulates health, radiates peace, and has a genuine heart that truly cares for every living being. Tammy possesses an immeasurable amount of knowledge acquired from years of spiritual and Buddhist studies which serve to accentuate her already unique yoga teaching style. Even before the class begins, with soothing music playing in a peaceful atmosphere, Tammy makes one feel as though they have stepped into a temple. Her classes are intellectually composed from beginning to end, and always include meditation and mindfulness so one may experience yoga beyond its physical aspects, though a challenge may be safely presented to explore oneself a little deeper in body and mind.

Whether it’s a quote from the Buddha, Thich Nhat Hahn, or her own, Tammy brings wisdom to her classes that inspire people to make positive choices in their lives and to see a purer reflection of their true selves, while also being a source of motivation to extend all the love and peace shared in the studio to the outside world.  I will always be a student of Tammy Blaze and I highly recommend her classes to new or longstanding students on the yogic path.

~ Michelle Van Lare, International Yoga Teacher & Trainer


About five years ago I began my yoga journey. This journey began in a class taught by Tammy Blaze.  At that time I was unaware of what a transformative impact that class would have on my life.  From the moment I walked into the studio I felt at ease despite the fact I was completely unfamiliar with yoga at that time.  From the calming music that was playing, to the gentle instructions she provided, to the inspiring reading she closed off the class with; it was a significant start to something that is now part of my everyday life.  

What I appreciate about Tammy’s teaching method is that it is not about how successful you are at achieving a certain posture; the key is that you are listening to what your body is telling you and honoring that in each movement.  

Tammy encourages the students to not only find physical wellness through their yoga practice but also seek emotional, mental and spiritual wellness as well.  She makes yoga approachable to all regardless of age, gender and fitness level and can assist you as you go deeper with your practice.  In the five years that I have been a student of Tammy’s I have learned that yoga is not just about what goes on between the four walls of the studio is what you take from that class out into the world, it’s how you see and love yourself, others and the world.  

I have seen the benefits of yoga in my own life – I am a stronger, healthier person inside and out because of the time I have spent on my mat in Tammy Blaze’s class. .

Tara Watts, Professional Musician, Windsor, ON


Taking a yoga class with Tammy is truly the greatest gift you can give to yourself. From the minute you see her smiling face and positive energy, you start to realize you will be a different and better person in a matter of moments. Tammy’s peaceful yogi vibe surrounds her so bright and is shared with all those lucky enough to be in her presence. Taking her class will bring you closer to your divine spirit and will bring happiness and kindness into your heart. Tammy’s classes are challenging and yet relaxing.

Restorative and reenergizing. There is no way a class with this teacher won’t lift your spirits and brighten your day. If you are looking to grow stronger physically, mentally and emotionally, being in Tammy’s class is a fast track to just that. Tammy emphasizes honouring your body and practicing yoga within those means, which is a breath of fresh air in today’s fast paced competitive society. Practicing Tammy’s yoga and philosophies will not only reap rewards to you while in the class, but long after you leave, you will not be able to forget the wise words and positivity that was shared in her class.

Tammy truly does practice and teach yoga for the soul, and you undoubtedly feel positive shifts on many levels with as little as one class with her.


Jennifer Oliver, Co-Founder of LiveFerU Personal Management, Nutrition & Healthy Lifestyle Coaching, Windsor, ON


As a teacher, Tammy is a beautiful soul inside and out. Her classes are always filled with gentleness, love and compassion. During her classes, I experience challenges and encouragement to go further. I always leave feeling happy and accomplished. You’ll know you’ve met Tammy when you see her brilliant, beautiful smile. In case you haven’t figured it out – I adore this lovely lady.

Jenn,  Government Worker, Windsor, ON

I love yoga with Tammy!  She teaches various styles and always keeps it interesting.  Tammy is observant of her students and will suggest alternate forms of a pose for all levels of fitness.  I can tell how much she enjoys teaching and has a genuine love of people.  I am so fortunate to be a student of Tammy’s.  Not only is she a wonderful yoga teacher, but also a warm and caring person, which enhances the entire experience.  No matter how cluttered my mind is, by the end of class I am always so relaxed and calm that I never want it to end.  I highly recommend yoga with Tammy as your guide.” 

Jennifer Schaus, Administrative Assistant Surgery & Peri-Operations Services, Windsor, ON 

I met Tammy years ago and we had an instant connection over the discussion of self and music in yoga. As we crossed paths again, I realize how much I had missed the soundtrack to her classes – not only the music she chooses to play, but her voice that instantly calms everyone in the room, the grace of her presence beside you in adjustments, and the wise words she says throughout. Tammy exudes a ray of light that comes from within and is passed onto her students in every practice; what a gift! I would recommend her class to yogis of all levels.”  

~ Blair Gagne, Executive Director, Windsor ON


Tammy has been one of my yoga teachers for the last two years. I started pretty much as a beginner even though I had taken classes before but somehow never stuck to it. I was at first mostly interested in the physical benefits of yoga like getting more flexibility. As a professional musician (I play the cello), stretching and getting stronger are very important if we want to avoid injuries. I used to have problems with my neck and shoulders when I did a lot of playing, I feel stronger now and don’t get affected as much (carrying my cello back to my car after a 3 hour performance does not feel heavy anymore!).

What Tammy has brought to the experience goes farther than the physical benefits. She has introduced me to meditation, as she does a few minutes of it at the beginning of each class. I now go to meditation classes as a result. She also adds a subtle spiritual perspective to the classes. I often find myself now, being grateful for some small things in my life, the way she reminds us to be. Last but not least as it is very important, she is very articulate and clear and her directions which are very detailed and easy to follow. Her classes are very inspiring, she sends us to the rest of our day smiling and feeling positive! I also like the fact that she does not take herself too seriously!

 ~ Nadine Deleury, Professional Cellist, Windsor, ON

Yoga has been a very beneficial program for me. With Tammy as my teacher, I really enjoy the overall experience that yoga provides for me.  Before starting yoga, I was always stressed out, I felt very tired all the time and I just got lazy. But once I began to start yoga, I felt very relaxed. I was finally able to become calm.  I started to look forward to every yoga class each day and could not wait for the time where I just get to unwind and relax.  The physical benefits were great too since I started to lose weight. Yoga stretches your body and this sensation completely relaxes you.  I couldn’t believe that I had missed out on so much, but now I am glad I started yoga.

~ Jagruti Patel, Owner/Operator – Subway Restaurant, Windsor, ON

  Tammy is such a passionate and devoted yoga teacher. Her classes are thoughtful, challenging and always filled with gratitude and love! 

Dr. Laurel Hicks, Social Worker, Yoga Teacher, Denver, CO