Tammy has been one of my yoga teachers for the last two years. I started pretty much as a beginner even though I had taken classes before but somehow never stuck to it. I was at first mostly interested in the physical benefits of yoga like getting more flexibility. As a professional musician (I play the cello), stretching and getting stronger are very important if we want to avoid injuries. I used to have problems with my neck and shoulders when I did a lot of playing, I feel stronger now and don’t get affected as much (carrying my cello back to my car after a 3 hour performance does not feel heavy anymore!).
What Tammy has brought to the experience goes farther than the physical benefits. She has introduced me to meditation, as she does a few minutes of it at the beginning of each class. I now go to meditation classes as a result. She also adds a subtle spiritual perspective to the classes. I often find myself now, being grateful for some small things in my life, the way she reminds us to be. Last but not least as it is very important, she is very articulate and clear and her directions which are very detailed and easy to follow. Her classes are very inspiring, she sends us to the rest of our day smiling and feeling positive! I also like the fact that she does not take herself too seriously!
~ Nadine Deleury, Professional Cellist, Windsor, ON
Yoga has been a very beneficial program for me. With Tammy as my teacher, I really enjoy the overall experience that yoga provides for me. Before starting yoga, I was always stressed out, I felt very tired all the time and I just got lazy. But once I began to start yoga, I felt very relaxed. I was finally able to become calm. I started to look forward to every yoga class each day and could not wait for the time where I just get to unwind and relax. The physical benefits were great too since I started to lose weight. Yoga stretches your body and this sensation completely relaxes you. I couldn’t believe that I had missed out on so much, but now I am glad I started yoga.
~ Jagruti Patel, Owner/Operator – Subway Restaurant, Windsor, ON
Tammy is such a passionate and devoted yoga teacher. Her classes are thoughtful, challenging and always filled with gratitude and love!
~ Dr. Laurel Hicks, Social Worker, Yoga Teacher, Denver, CO