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Current Workshops & Events
4 Week Yoga & Meditation Workshop

Past Events

2018 Yoga Teacher Training

2018 Yoga Training Information Event

July 2017 Students continuously inspire me to rise as a teacher. Being hired for special events or milestones in one's life is deeply humbling. To hold space for the student for that moment that is significant for them...an honour.

February 2017 I've had many different paths in life but the yoga path of speaking from my heart has been the most inspiring path I've stepped upon. We all have a calling regardless what the inspiration is. Finding your voice and listening to what your heart speaks is a leap of trust within and letting go also. This talk is about my journey of just that.

March 2017 Teaching yoga to the S.O.S group (Students Offering Support) at the University of Windsor. These inspiring students are there for others and today they took in some self-care to replenish.

April 2016 Companies are bringing in yoga to aid in stress reduction for employees. This company was particularly admirable for the owners paid for my assistance in full. No charge to the employees. A gift of health to all staff. Innovative owners of mindfulness!

April 2016 For several years I've been fortunate enough to retain contracts at several hospitals in the community of Windsor, Ontario. The hospitals have numerous health programs for the staff to reduce tension and stress and aid in their health while they are on the front lines in the highest level of care. We must learn to take care of ourselves, so that we can in turn, take care of others.

July 2015 Another round of yoga for third year medical student at the Schulich Medicine Department at The University of Windsor. Imagine if doctors one day will prescribe yoga and meditation as regular treatments for a holistic body, mind and spirit. These minds are on the right path!

October 2017

Feb 2016 The 3rd year medical students from the University of Windsor practicing yoga together to decrease stress within. Forward thinking minds!

March 2016 Taught 50, Grade 7 students the art of Yoga & Mindfulness. Brilliant young souls on the path.

March 2015 Assistant to Seane Corn Event

March 2015 My teacher Seane Corn made it to Windsor, ON to teach a 3-Day Movement to Manifestation Class. I was honoured to assist her for those three days of transformation. Seane has taught me so much over the years to be the teacher that I am today but mostly, she has taught me about speaking my own truth and coming from a place of authenticity.

March 2015 Being in this room, listening to Seane Corn teach, assisting the students and her. The only word that comes to my mind is - Grace!

March 2015 Teaching to a group of up and coming Yoga Teachers at Love It Yoga in Amherstburg, ON Honoured to be asked to sharing my yoga story of my life journey and how I became a yoga teacher. Hoping that my story will help others find their own voice.

March 2015

May 2015 Up and coming young doctors hired me to teach yoga at The University of Windsor today. Young minds learning the benefits of taking care of oneself so to take care of others. Brilliant souls!

September 2015 Was invited to teach a private class in a home. The family recently celebrated the passing of their mother. This is how they wanted to honour her - shared with siblings and friends. More arrived after this photo was taken - the energy in the room was beautiful. Hearts open, movement in yoga - what a grand way to share in love for one another and all the gifts their mother passed onto them. Her spirit was in the room.

October 2014 Practicing on the Boardwalk at The Beaches in Toronto, ON. A beautiful spot! Canada is beautiful! Love visiting this town!

Sept 2014 One of my many favourite events is teaching a private class at someone's home. These ladies got together, brought delicious food, a massage therapist and I believe some drinks might have been served afterwards. They came together with love of their friendship and wanted to share in some goodness together. A beautiful end of summer event in the backyard by the pool with friends and love.

Sept 2014 Teaching yoga to every"body" is essential to the practice, some come with Parkinson's disease, some with Alzheimer's, some with brain injuries but all are open to the benefits of the practice. Yoga is about the inner work. This class humbles me each and every time. They are by far the students that teach me the most and also my best meditators. (*photo taken from the internet)

May 2014 Feeding Your Soul Event was such an exhilarating event. Holding the space for the students opening their hearts and exploring their own adventure of digging in the dirt. Rest (Savasana) came with great ease and gratitude.

Nov 2013 These classes can be so intimate. It doesn't matter how many are in the class. It matters to that one person, that person who is listening, who is ready, who is open.

October 2014 Teaching yoga at Hotel Dieu Grace Hospital, in Windsor, Ontario to the staff. This space was once the chapel for 20+ years. Many people have come on their knees in this space saying prayers to the God of their own understanding for support in more ways than I can imagine. It is very humbling to teach yoga in this space weekly and to teach yoga to the staff that are on the front lines everyday, treating people, caring for people and also helping people transition to the next part of their life journey. The stained glass windows of Grace remind me always of how precious life is and all that come to this space to breathe.

March 2013 Another wonderful workshop with my teacher Seane Corn in Toronto, ON. No matter how many times I take her classes I always walk away with a wealth of knowledge of the practice and of myself. Taking Seane's classes of a journey of the soul indeed!
Meeting Rob Bell

October 2013 Taking Seane Corn's Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in Toronto, ON was a highlight of my Yoga career. Her honesty and giving of all her information so that we can teach from a place of love. It is because of her teachings that I am the teacher that I am today.

August 2011 This is my dearest friend Michelle Van Lare and one of my deepest influences on the path of yoga. The truest of teachers you can find if you are lucky enough to be in her classroom or sitting across the table sharing in a pizza together. Her friendship of the life teachings inspire me continuously.

Dec 2010 Studying with Sri Dharma Mittra has definitely been one of those moments I will never forget. He is currently the oldest living guru of Yoga. When I studied with him he was 70 years old (as seen in this picture). He moves his body in ways I can only dream of. His presence is intense and his knowledge of Yoga is vast.

October 2010 I found Justin Barnes teachings by accident, or was it Divine intervention! He is one of my favorite teachers in the Michigan area. His teachings are soulful, inspiring and the way he weaves the teachings into the yoga flow is deliciously good.

October 2009 Proud to have opened my own place along the journey. This little place in LaSalle, ON was exactly like the name. Yoga For the Soul had the kindest souls from the teachers to the students. Gentle, kind, loving souls - all on our paths - all helping and guiding one another.

Sept 2009 Taking Bryan Kest's Master Class in Windsor, ON is always intense, funny and thought provoking.

Jan 2007 Meeting the founder P'arang Geri Larkin of Still Point Zen Buddhist Temple, at her book signing was a highlight of my spiritual path. All her books have a special place in my home. I only had the chance to meet her once, but her books and teachings are in my everyday. Grateful for her birth onto this world as she has taught many of us so much about mindfulness, love, compassion and patience and the teachings of the great Buddha. Thank you P'arang for walking with me on my path. With a deep bow to you!

2006 I believe this is where my true spiritual practice started, a softening within, at Still Point Zen Buddhist Temple in Detroit, MI. Through the teachings of P'arang Geri Larkin (founder), and my time on the cushion, I found a re-connection of God within, and within all things.

2005 The first Buddhist Temple that I went to. I will never forget the nun that I met she was very young and had such compassionate eyes. She lead me to the meditation room where the largest Buddha I had ever seen in my life greeted me. In my memory I think it was about 30 feet high and 30 feet across. A Buddhist monk was visiting from Texas and we had an audience with him. I don't recall the service but I couldn't get enough into my being. I wanted to learn everything I could. There was peace in that space. This was a Vietnamese temple so there weren't many English speaking services, only once a month. I knew I had to keep looking, as something was calling me to find a Temple. The strangest thing occurred, every time I meditated, I found myself closest to God.

October 2005 Standing on Kona Coast, The Big Island, Hawaii, I can still remember many of the prayers that were spoken silently. Wanting more out of life and to experience Grace, Love, Happiness, Wholeness...the list was endless, as I gazed into the vast ocean. I didn't realize that I knocked on the door that day and someone was listening. The practice of Buddhism, Yoga and Meditation was in my future. The adventure began.