Digging in the Dirt
I have been teaching for almost 10 years now. Have met thousands of people and listened to so many stories of the journeys on and off the mat. Hearing the stories is my most humbling moment of yoga. Within those stories I am honoured to get a glimpse into someone’s life, their soul, not just hearing their words but through their eyes they tell me the story. I guess the window to the soul is through the eyes, as the expression goes.
However, what I have learned from hearing all the stories and also acknowledging and accepting my own story, is that “the work” is always a private journey.
We can go to the studio, go to therapy, get in the program, run marathons, and sit in hours and hours of meditation, hike a mountain, but the work is of ONE.
Yoga is a wonderful tool to dig in the dirt of the soul but it is a private digging. To look at each morsel, of each grain of our life is a courageous acceptance to say to the soul, the mind, the heart, “I’m going to look at this situation with an open loving heart.”
Yoga is a modality of many tools that can be used to inquire. Self-study is necessary so that we can continue on the path of being whole, for the cracks in our lives, is the light trying to break through.
Never stop digging!