Speaking Your Truth
Speaking one’s own truth is part of many spiritual teachings and also one of modern society. However one of the hardest to attain.
We are taught many different truths along the way of life. Some cultural within our own family tribe, some within our faith, and schools, some through our friends and our workplaces. These truths change and shift as we grow on our path and evolve. Some truths we believe so strongly and hold close to our hearts, and some as we grow, we begin to question the foundation on which these truths are designed.
That is where the big ‘ahh-ha’ lightbulb moment takes place! Where the big stuff of the journey lies. When we realize and know our own truth we can’t look away from it. Or it seems to reappear again and again in our lives until we take hold of our truth.
Sometimes saying “no thank you” can be the beginning of speaking our own truth. It sounds so simple but so hard to conjure up those three little words. It’s somewhat a revolution to say something so boldly but with kindness to oneself. Also, there are times when not uttering a single word is appropriate as we realize that there is something we need to walk away from that is no longer serving us. It almost feels uncomfortable to utter words of truth to ourselves and others, but within our words healthy boundaries are created. A breaking of old patterns, habitual patterns to new awareness of love.
Finding your own truth can be found in many different ways. Never stop seeking, never stop asking the questions, and never stop evaluating and standing up to the questions within. That little voice inside is the Universe, God, the soul, right knowing, whatever is your own understanding of within. But the soul is never wrong, it is pushing us to be better versions of ourselves. Our highest self. However, most of the time it is somewhat an unraveling of the soul, of an old self, a courageous journey of discovery to step into the true self.
Are you working on your own truths?