Teachers in our Lives
As many of you know, Dr. Wayne Dyer passed away. His body of work speaks for itself and we are blessed to have so many teachings of his, as he had written countless books. He was always so generous with his teachings, as he wanted to spread love to every being on this earth. I was fortunate enough to attend one of his talks in Detroit, MI in 2012 and to meet him. When he spoke it was as if Divinity was channeled through him, he could talk endlessly for hours, no notes, no papers, it just poured out of him as an endless stream of consciousness and he wanted us to receive it with an open soul.
What Wayne Dryer's teachings did for me is open my mind to new ways of thinking, and to be open to teachers appearing in my life. Teachers arrive everyday showing us, guiding us, nudging us this way and that. But the true teaching is….are we open to receive it???
If we close our hearts from our pain and suffering and retell our victim stories over and over again. If we stay the victim and stay in the story, we miss the lesson. Sometimes the teaching isn’t always in the easiest and gentlest ways. Teachings appear in the hard and the soft of life.
Some of my own biggest lessons or teachings were in the hardest moments. Even to this day, as I look back, I am still extracting beautiful lessons for those experiences. And the strangest thing about the hardships is that during the most difficult of times, a new teacher would appear in my life, reach their hand out to me, and lift me up and help me dust myself off. Some teachers have still stayed with me and others had to leave as they were being called to do other work.
Teachings can appear in a book, in a moment with our children and grandchildren. Or with a group of friends when we are laughing our heads off and realizing that their love, which they have freely given as friendship, is the greatest teaching we will know, because in that moment we feel loved and we know it in our souls.
You see, Wayne Dyer taught me that teachers and teachings are all around us. Everywhere we look, in nature, at work, with our loved ones, in books, in doing the dishes, in everything….only if we are open to see. Thank you Wayne Dyer for helping me and many others to ‘see’. Your teachings live within me now and so many more I have yet to learn. ~ Namaste ~