Motorcycles, Yoga & Meditation
Recently I celebrated my 45th birthday. I love birthdays not for the celebration but for what the significance of the celebration of the day and what it means, and this one was a big one to me – epic! I couldn’t help but realize that I am half way through my journey on this earth, in this physical body. Daily I am struck with how fantastic life is. In reflection, I am in awe by all the little and big accomplishments made along the way. I am proud to say that I could write a pretty good list of those achievements, travels and discoveries. I have a constant desire to learn and grow as an individual. I feel as though I cannot read enough about faith, spirituality, yoga, God, love and relationships. I feel I am forever the student.
I have a constant desire to learn and grow as an individual. I feel as though I cannot read enough about faith, spirituality, yoga, God, love and relationships. I feel I am forever the student. I recently read a book by Neil Peart (the drummer from Rush) called Ghost Rider. This book was fascinating with such deep vulnerability expressed. Such detail of one man’s darkest moments to climbing back into the world, most of that discovery on a motorcycle. The moment I closed Neil’s book, I said to myself "I no longer want to be the passenger in life anymore."
In a short time frame, I wrote my beginners, bought a motorcycle, took a course and now ride daily, if I can. That prior sentence made it sound easy, by all means it wasn't, as it shouldn't be for obvious reasons. Words escape me to describe the feeling(s) I have riding. I feel exhilarated, excited, in awe, gratitude and also fear. Fear is a good thing on a bike though, it keeps one aware.
The one thing that struck me profoundly as I ride, is the direct correlation to yoga and meditation. This, this motorcycling, has become my new yoga, my meditation. When I ride, I practice, just as I do in yoga. With each time I ride/practice my form gets better and better. The flow is easier with each turn I move into. As I understand the bike and how it works. Some days my ride/practice may be long or short, as each day is different. Our body has moods just like our minds. Honour that – always!
Riding has increased my meditation to a level of astonishment. When I ride there is only one place to be “in the present moment.” Honestly, you can’t be anywhere else. And there is this unbelievable sense of freedom because the mind is fully and completely present. I now understand why so many bikers would express their joy for riding and they couldn’t explain it, the freedom. They are in meditation!
They are practicing their “yoga” at that time!
When I ride I have this grand feeling of thankfulness. Seeing and having the honour of feeling the sensations that arise. The sky to me appears extra blue and gorgeous as I head out to the county roads. Watching the trees move and sway as I pass them by. Getting in sync with the other vehicles, that we are all practicing mindfulness as we share the space. Making room for one another.
I am grateful for the encouragement from so many as I embarked on this journey of motorcycling. To let go of fear was a big leap. There were many moments of fear that kept trying to pull me back, even some naysayers who would express all their concerns of riding a motorcycle. Fear tries to sneak in at every moment it can muster, it uses and manipulates. However, moving to the other side of fear has been a breath of ease, in retrospect.
Every time I sit down on the mat to meditate, fear walks around me a few times, marks it territory and tries to claim a corner of my mind. Even when I first swing my leg over that bike, fear starts talking to me. Fear can keep us in our homes, isolated, afraid of love, scared to share, to be vulnerable and keep us small and closed off. But everything you want is on the other side of fear.
There is so much to see and do in this life. So much to discover. Never stop wondering and wandering.
….and p.s…..thank you Mr. Peart for inspiring me – you have no idea how you inspired me!