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a quiet morning - 2023
a single moment - 2023
b & w flowers - 2021
bamboo bends - life advice - 2024
beauty awakened
beauty captured forever
beauty in green
beauty in pink, california
beauty in the eye of the beholder
beauty in red
beauty within
blast of colour
bucket of joy
dance of light and raindrops
dried in beauty
dreamy spaces
feeling the breeze
fern love
flower bike
garden library
gentle blue
gentle growth
gentle moments
gentle purple
grace & love
graceful rain - 2021
grace in white
g r a t i t u d e
gratitude heart - 2024
green goddess - 2023
green waterdops of beauty
h o p e
last days of summer
lazy susan - rise to the sun
leaves & texture
life prevails
lift your face to the sun - 2023
listen to the silence
look up
lungs of flowers
lush purple glow
miracle of a single flower
nectar of life
nourishing drops of life
orange beauty
orange droplets
orchid love
palm tree love
peace lily protection
peaceful moments
pink babies
pink hearts
planting is meditation
purple heaven
rain in green
raindrops in ivy
raindrops of goodness
reaching grace
rising to the sun, cape breton
see beauty
sense of vitality
serenity, palm springs, ca
simple reminders - 2024
source of energy
strength. stand tall.
taking pause
textures of wheat - 2016
the beauty that surrounds us
the hard & soft
the joy of witnessing
the smell of happy
truth in nature
raindrops of sunshine
standing tall
veins of life
walking the path of peace - 2023
weekend inspiration
white petals - 2024
yellow tulips