Between You and Me
I never said I'd be a yoga teacher, it just sort of happened without me really thinking about it. It was a slow beautiful journey. With each day, I took the steps toward it without realizing what was going to become my full time life of teaching all over the city.
However being a yoga teacher has been my greatest reward.
I am honoured to meet the most incredible people that decide to take the huge leap of faith and unroll their mat in my class. I am blessed to hold the space for them as they crack their hearts open and some leave them on the floor when then leave. For some it is a journey of strength and sweat, for others it is a puddle of tears, for others it is pure bliss and smiles throughout, and for a few it a way to cope with incredible loss, anger, frustrations and heartbreak. You see, everyone comes to the mat for different reasons. Everyone. But the common thread is we are all doing our own work. Quietly, breath by breath.
Like I said, I never meant to be a yoga teacher. But being in that room, holding the space for the souls that embark on their journey, it fills me with such a humbling heart. I am grateful for each and everyone of you that venture into my class.
For the love, the smiles and the tears. I am grateful for the stories that you share with me before and afterwards of your own personal stories of success, hardships and grace. I feel that with each story it gets embedded within me, like a precious jewel. Safe, secure, and held so precious within.
“You are here inside my laughter.
Thoughts of you are on my mind and
wrapped around my heart.
You empower me to love with all I have,
and to enjoy all that is good.
As I embrace each day with the promise of you,
I can't imagine a day that is not filled
with your smiles.
My life has been kissed by many blessings,
and because of you each day is a gift
filled with grace, mercy and love.
I cherish the moments that bring us together,
and it is inside the space I realize I am home.”
- Lori Eberhardy