We Have Greatness Inside of Us
I recently went to see Rob Bell speak in Cleveland, OH. I found Rob teaching through YouTube of all things a year or so ago, and kept following him. Now in retrospect, our teacher(s) will appear just when we need them, when we call upon the Universe/God for the teachings.
Are we listening?
Rob Bell was voted one of the Top 10 Most Influential People of 2015 by Time Magazine, has written a hand full of books, is a pastor, a father, a husband, and inspirational speaker on spirit and toured with Oprah on the Live Your Best Life Tour in 2014. I am sure that I’m not even doing him justice in this short paragraph but you get that he is a teacher of something great happening! (www.robbell.com)
I had the honour of meeting Rob and asked a few questions about my own life path. He was extremely gracious in his response and took the time to answer honestly from his experiences. Later, I sat in a beautiful auditorium with hundreds of others, listening to his talk on his tour called, “Everything Is Spiritual”.
Ever have that feeling that everything someone is saying in a moment like this, is directed straight at you? I’ve had times when a student in yoga class will walk up to me afterwards and say, “I swear you said everything I needed to hear, you were speaking to me the whole time, how did you know such personal things about what I’m going through.” This same occurrence happened to me that night. Rob’s whole talk was about my private question to him, or perhaps that is what it felt like – TO ME!
I sat in my chair with an open heart and listened…
His reminded us that we are born of greatness (the stuff of stars – stardust – Google this, I am not kidding). Also that our darkest moments in our lives, the stories we want to stay away from, are the lessons or the awakenings that we need to keep sharing, to let go of shame around these stories and to talk about them, as they will help another perhaps in some way. That the work we are here to do on this earth is important to our soul’s breath/our life. When we are put up against obstacles, roadblocks, haters, naysayers of criticism – telling us we are wrong – and we want to turn back, hide, become reclusive, stay small, retreat inward. We must not do this!!! Because then we would be going backwards.
The Universe only conspires us to move forwards, just as the Universe has for millennia.
You see the Universe has been only designed to continuously move forward and we must do the same because that stardust is in us ALL! We only know how to do that as well – TO MOVE FORWARD. We have the Universe in us.
So when something doesn’t feel right, the “program or dogma” that’s been passed down to you starts to shift within you and a new road appears, keep following that path. That forward shift of the path is for YOU to keep walking on. Learning. Growing. Evolving.
Be open to the little voice inside of you pushing you to move forward. The teacher(s) that shows up in your life expressing words that speak to your heart of new ideas and thoughts, you know if when you read it, hear it, see it, you can’t get enough information into your being, you are filled with excitement and wonder.
As Rob Bell ends all his talks, I write the following to pay homage to his teaching, “May you my brothers and sisters never stop seeking your greatness and your path within you. You have the Universe inside of you. May you be filled with wonder and know that your greatness is needed.”